Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trumpet of the Swan....Before We Start the Novel

Before reading The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White, let's think about swans. What do we know about them?


  1. the trumpet of the swan sound cool! guess what else? im the first ...somehow! i got on around 5:15. i dont wanna even try to watch the simpsons because once you miss half you dont even know whats going on.

    <3 4th,

  2. What? How did you get to be first?

  3. Sorry about my message before. Anyway, as I know, through Indian mythology, swans were sacred birds that seperate milk from water. As per my grandma, they lived in the purest of water, which is in the lake of 'Manas Sarover' in Himalaya mountains. Swans are extinct today, or at least, I think they are.

  4. Eswar, what great information!!! I didn't know that swans were sacred birds in Indian mythology! I do know that swans are not extinct. There are types that are endangered though.

  5. It is so sad that swans are endangered,anyway I know that swans are beautiful white birds (in fact I bet that is why E.V. White wrote about them) whith long necks and legs.I have some swiming in a founton by my house.I also have a DVD that I could bring to school.

  6. Peggy means claire I am under my mom's email.

  7. I've seen black swans with orange beaks at the park by my house. They made a small honking noise. Another time I saw baby swans. They were grey with black beaks. Those baby swans chirped sort of like a baby chicken. Although I've never seen a white swan, I assume they would be pretty.

    I also love to read books. It should be fun to read about swans.

  8. Greensoul is Bailey. When I was in the musical Honk this summer, the main character, the Ugly Duckling, was a baby swan (cygnet).

  9. Swans are the largest and considered the most beautiful of all waterfowl. Boy swans are called cobs, girl swans are called pens, and baby swans are cygnets.

  10. I have fed swans in City Park. They are usually white with yellow beaks. I think they are very pretty.

  11. Swans are beautiful big birds. The ones that I know off, are white in color and have long necks. Their beaks are black and yellow in color. I remember the UGLY DUCKLING story, where the duckling turns into a beautiful swan.

  12. Fun facts:
    Did you know geese and ducks are in the same family of birds?
    The Austrailian Black Swans are very social.

  13. Hi Ms. Avegno,
    This is Madeleine. I found some very interesting facts about swans. Did you know there are six to seven different swans? Also, according to the Wildlife Conservation a swan can have 25,000 feathers. Thats a lot. Swans eat plants and small aquatic animals. And They migrate south for the winter. I thought that they were interesting.
    p.s. I was in Honk! to.

  14. Adult male swans are pure white with reddish bills. The largest of the swans is the trumpeter swan, which breed from Alaska to the Rocky Mountain states, and has been introduced to the farther east. The whooper looks like a smaller version of the trumpeter swan.

  15. Oh yes, I think you can spot a swan in LaFreniere Park, since it's a bird sanctuary.

  16. Man most of those where what i was going to say (in case i couldnt do another)! i miss out on a lot. losta comments come on in about 35 hours i dunno how long its actually been i just estimated

  17. i will say this even though its been said ='( (crying) Swans are white and beutiful. Ive only seen ones that are white with a yellow beak. here are the types of swans (female, male, child)
    Male: Cob, Female: Pen, Child: Cygnet

    Ya Ya Ya its all been said but all this stuff was only some i had and i just choose to say these

  18. Hey!I think that reading the Trumpet of the Swan will be fun.One cool thing that i'm sure everyone knows is that the swan is related to the egret(birds).I also know that they are endangered. I'm not sure if they live here in Louisiana. That would be great if someone knew.Well thats all i have for know.See you!!

  19. Oh!Sorry I didn't know they lived here.

  20. Hello Mrs. Avegno, I read in book, The Trumpet of the Swan, that a male swan is called a cob. The book seems like it's going to have some interesting facts even though it's fiction.
    Me and my mom feed a swan at Lafrinere Park, but sometimes the swan is mean and scares us away. I like how it's the biggest bird at the park!

  21. Tundra swans live in alaska, So do trumpeter swans.

  22. Last summer, when Audrey was just a few weeks old, we would walk in LaFreniere Park every morning around 6am. We would always see all kinds of waterfowl. I believe there are two swans that live there. But, as you all know, my favorite sighting at the park was the rabbits! They would usually be getting their last bits of food just as the sun was coming up. What was really cool is that they usually wouldn't run away when you walked past them.

    Joseph, I know what you mean about the swans being mean sometimes. They chased Audrey and me once. It was usually the big ducks that were scary though.

    I miss that park. I used to live about 5 minutes from it. Now I live right by the Kenner Park.

    That's all for now! Keep blogging!

  23. hi again i dont know what else to write anybody on right now 4:30

  24. Hi!I love swans. Did you know that swans are symbols of love?

  25. Hey Mrs. Avegno, did you know that I have a blog? It's Stop by and type a comment.

  26. Did you know that swans have pure white feathers? The largest swan in the world is the called the Trumpeter swan. It is located in North America.

  27. this is fun thanks, Mrs. Avegno

  28. Kyle,I'm glad you're enjoying this. I love it too! Its a great way to learn about new things, use technology, and have fun with classmates. Yippeeeee!!!!

  29. The Trumpeter Swan is related to the five other swans that are in the Cygnus olor species. Here are some of them: Mute Swan, and Black Swan.

  30. Hello Mrs.Avegno,
    I found out that swans can make great watch dogs. My mom grew up with pet geese and they were great watch dogs. I also found out that swans mate for life, that's why you always see the same pair together. Interesting, huh?

  31. Hi!! It's Holly! I chose the username Rachael because it is my favorite name. Anyway, I can't wait to read the book I love reading!! I know swans are beatiful magestic birds that are either black, or white(as far as I know, swans could be blue!wouldnt that be pretty, blue swans?)

  32. Blue Swans would be cool Holly!

  33. Joseph, I was going to say swans have the same mate for life! You beat me to it!

  34. Sorry that I beat you to it Mrs. Avegno but it's cool that we were both going to say that!

  35. My mom says geese mate for life to.

  36. i looked i didnt spell beautiful right . TYPO! BTW, i think reading trumpet of the swan will be fun too, Joseph! and no, I was not crying in real life in my last message! PLEASE GET OFF THE SUBJECT! srry, im aggrivated. Swans are cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also like greek gods. Of to watch Clash of the Gods! BYE!

  37. I just bought the book! I read the back cover. It rocks.

    Swans can be black with orange bills. I've never ever seen a white swan before!

    At the park I feed the swans bread. One time it grabbed the bread right out of my hand! Another time I saw a swan with a chipped bill(what a poor thing!). Swans there eat grass sometimes. I love swans very much!

  38. Sorry Kimberly, I'm off the subject!

  39. Guess what guys, swans don't fly south for the winter, even in the northern hemisphere, swans will stay in their summer feeding grounds until the water freezes, then move only far enough to find open water. In areas where ponds and rivers do not freeze (or not too much), swans will often stay year-round wherever they live.

  40. im srry i wasnt mad just cranky! ya brynna i think so too but so u know someone in a lower grade somehow heard and found my book. YAY! It turs out i did put my name in there

  41. waitnhow come u saw a rare like swan but not a common one? its weird

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  44. Swans have long,curved necks. Yup,swans stay in the northern part in the winter. It's sad that swans are endangered. I love animals.

  45. Sometimes,zoo owners will clip a small part of a swan's wing so it can't fly. It's a sign that it belongs to them.

  46. The Trumpet of the Swan is awesome so far! I think it's fun posting a message. I think cygnets are a different color than their parents when they are born. Thanks for letting us do this.

  47. Swans eat some aquatic animals. Since swans mate for life, they are a symbol of love.

  48. I hope you guys are enjoying your holiday. I just wanted to see how everybody is doing.

  49. why have 2 comments been removed?

  50. Kimberly,I didn't like one of mine, so I removed it. Bailey's comment must be inappropriate or something, so the blog administrator removed it.

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